‘The Batman’ movie review


Photo by Warner Bros.

Julian Saldivar & Christian Lamas, Staff Writers

The highly anticipated new Batman movie, The Batman, was released in theaters on March 4, with Robert Pattinson playing the main lead. Throughout the movie, Batman deals with Gotham’s City’s dark side including villains such as Riddler and The Penguin. Batman takes on the duo crime syndicate with the help of Catwoman, played by actress Zoë Kravitz. The two go up and down through Gotham trying to take down the corrupt side of the city. 

The Batman is truly the definition of vengeance.This was shown throughout the film with Batman and the criminals expressing their own definition of what it meant to them. The nearly three hour movie was packed with background and action packed scenes that was nothing short of exciting. With new actors playing new roles in the film, they did not disappoint. 

“I really enjoyed the movie and it passed my expectations. It felt like a new Batman movie with new actors that I haven’t seen before. The lead actor playing Batman gave a new type of Batman character that we haven’t seen and truly made it his own, not copying previous ones. With the movie being nearly three hours long I wasn’t bored watching it, the story leading up the whole thing wasn’t boring at all. I really enjoyed watching it,” said Sean Reynoso, senior.

A large talk about the movie was the main antagonist Riddler. 

“I was at first disappointed we didn’t see his original costume that everyone is used to seeing, but the outfit and duct tape mask, what he wore really matched his character, and his acting was amazing,” said Vincent Cauldera.

The Riddler was played by actor Paul Dano and Dano was one who wanted a new take on Riddler and even pushed towards the risk. His character interacted with fans, that being, after the movie was over a post credit scene was a link to a website that was used during the movie that is constantly changing and has had different messages that are solved through riddles.

The reboot of The Batman movie was very unexpected because of the more sinister and was very similar to a detective movie. It is undoubtedly a must-watch movie.