About Us
Mission Statement
As a publication, WCHS Insight strives to identify and report news-making events, and incorporate journalistic forms, techniques and knowledge. We aim to document the West Covina High School community and the outlying community and to provide an authentic media forum that reflects student voices. As a program, we harbor a safe and accepting environment for all students and staff, and balance functionality and enjoyment within work and outside curricular activities.
Statement of Ownership
WCHS Insight online news publication is an open forum for student expression, as set forth by California Education Codes 48907 and 48950, and is committed to excellence in reporting, writing and photography. The website is updated at least twice a week.
CA Ed Code 48907: “In addition to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, states can also provide free speech protection to their own citizens by enacting state laws or regulations. The California Student Free Expression Law is such a provision and provides student journalists attending California public high schools, including charter schools, with added protection against administrative censorship. The law also protects teachers and other school personnel against retaliation for students’ lawful exercise of their free-speech rights.”
CA Ed Code 48950: “School districts operating one or more high schools and private secondary schools shall not make or enforce any rule subjecting any high school pupil to disciplinary sanctions solely on the basis of conduct that is speech or other communication that, when engaged in outside of the campus, is protected from governmental restriction by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 2 of Article 1 of the California Constitution.”
Diversity Statement
As a publication, we strive for diversity of sources and reported topics. We aim to and understand the importance of amplifying student voices, and seek to interview the same source no more than three times per school year to allow for varied representation of the student body. We ensure that our sources are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, grade level, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Controversial Issues
WCHS Insight is responsible for researching topics thoroughly enough in order to cover the issue comprehensively. WCHS Insight editors and adviser will discuss the proposed content to assure that coverage meets legal, ethical and policy standards. Content that may be viewed as controversial will be reviewed by the copy editor, assistant editor and editor-in-chief.
If a student or faculty member commits a criminal act that is newsworthy, it may be published provided it is appropriately reported. Police reports and/or court documents as public records may be obtained as sources. Names of students who are minors charged with crimes will not be published unless they are charged as adults.
If any current student, teacher or faculty member dies over the course of the school year, it will be covered as a news story with no more than 250 words. If a current student, teacher or faculty member dies during summer break, it will be covered on return in September. The news story will include factual information to include date of birth and death, participation in organizations, hobbies, interests, etc. and the most recent yearbook photo, if possible. WCHS Insight will seek an interview with the family of the deceased, when possible.
Conflict of Interest
WCHS Insight reporters shall not quote ourselves or friends or fellow Insight staff in a story we are writing. We will not write a story about an organization or activity we participate in. We will also avoid interviewing our own teachers. If necessary, another Insight staff member will conduct the interview and receive credit in a byline.
Anonymous Sources
Transparency is critical to our credibility with our readers. Whenever possible, we pursue information on the record. Material from anonymous sources may be used to protect a person or victim’s privacy and only if:
- The material is information and not opinion or speculation, and is vital to the report.
- The information is not available except under the conditions of anonymity imposed by the source.
- The source is reliable and in a position to have direct knowledge of the information.
Stories may not be shown for approval to anyone outside of WCHS Insight staff. Statements may be taken back to the source for clarification or confirmation. Prior review will not be granted to interview subjects, teachers and faculty, administration or district personnel and community members to approve before publication.
Takedown requests
WCHS Insight editorial board will evaluate takedown requests on a case-by-case basis. We are not obligated to remove information based on any request, unless there is information deemed obscene or libelous. WCHS Insight editorial board will evaluate if rationale for a takedown request outweighs the necessity of the information published. WCHS Insight adviser and school/district administration are not involved in deciding the outcome of takedown requests.
In the event that WCHS Insight makes a factual error, a standard correction stating the error and the correct fact will be published immediately on the online story and social media caption.
WCHS Insight accepts paid advertising and will accept ads from all sources except those promoting activities/products that are illegal for those under the age of 18.