Ev3rY1 wHo WrIt3s FuNnY,
We all remember the days of MySpace and statuses with moods and our profiles hyped up with music playing in the background. But most of all I think everyone remembers the ridiculous things we used to write. When normal words where shortened and Es became 3s. Or when someone’s name on Myspace wasn’t really their name.
Obviously language does change. Before grammar was different, like the recent changes in whether you type “James’ book or James’s book.” At least I hope everyone knows this is a recent change. Fail if you don’t because you are probably not paying enough attention. But seriously, at no point in time do numbers and letters intertwine. I don’t know why “Natalie” changed into N@t@Li3. Seriously, I thought this stuff was thrown out when Tom sold Myspace and it all went down the drain. Really guys.
At no point in time do I think my English teachers say that I could substitute one letter for another. And will someone for the sake of Pancakes tell me why people use “doe” after every sentence? “What’s good wit it doe?” just sounds funny. “She cool doe.” Hopefully everyone knows not to bring it to class, even though some of these mistakes will just bother me forever. Even more hopefully, when Google+ overruns Facebook- or what ever other site does- ThAt dis WaY Of TyPiN g03s Away…