Bulldog News Network (BNN) is known for the weekly episodes produced by students that features campus life, students, and the community. BNN co-executive producers, seniors Andrea Salazar and Rachel Leon work with one another to provide the best possible outcome for the episodes.

BNN advisor Drew Lorenger originally worked with both Salazar and Leon since they both took digital media classes prior to joining BNN. Since he was familiar with their work ethic, choosing them for the executive producer position was seamless.
“The executive producer takes ownership in how the show looks and how the final product looks. They definitely make sure that every aspect of production is as perfect as it can be because it reflects on them,” said Lorenger.
Salazar joined BNN her junior year and was in digital media since her sophomore year. With the desire of being an anchor starting her freshman year, she continued with that goal in mind, ultimately advancing to the highest position becoming executive producer her senior year.
They share the overwhelming feeling of being under pressure during the weeks of production due to the responsibility that falls back on them. With each episode being live any mistakes in audio, visuals, delivery of script, or any other error affects them as a team.
The success stems from their ambition and motivation to do everything to their very best. It does not just reflect on the two of them, it reflects on the entire program. As executive producers they are the ones relied on.
Like Salazar, Leon has been in BNN since her junior year after being in digital media since freshman year and assumed the role of executive producer aside class of 2023 alumnus Keyla Megana her junior year. She continued the role this school year.
The position of executive producer comes with sacrifice due to dedicating time and effort towards the projects, as well as feeling rewarding seeing the end product and everyone feeling accomplished.

¨One of the best parts about being an executive producer is just being really proud of my team especially on live days there’s just like a certain energy, and it’s something else to see everyone in BNN be really proud and as passionate as you are,¨ said Leon.
As stressful as it is being an executive producer, the supportive environment in BNN makes their efforts worthwhile. Especially the support provided from one another.
“It’s really nice to have two executive producers, it can be a lot and the fact that we can switch off every other week is really helpful…working together is really cool because we get to bounce ideas off of each other and we could just collaborate on things that could make BNN better,” said Salazar.