Renaissance is a program and class that strives to recognize teachers and students for academic and personal accomplishments. They sacrifice their time to make them feel appreciated and acknowledged. With leadership organizations such as Associative Student Body (ASB) and class council, some may be unaware of Renaissance. Senior Michelle Ruiz is the president and brought light to some of her responsibilities.
With a large and diverse student and staff population, being president of an organization that is expected to recognize everyone equally is a large undertaking.
“A little bit about my role is recognizing students and staff on campus and making sure all areas of our diverse communities are covered,” said Ruiz.
Ruiz doesn’t only take charge campus wide but has smaller, more personal tasks such as maintaining the renaissance classroom.
“My roles as president of Renaissance include shadowing all events as well as planning and hosting them. But apart from any events, I do have to check in with most of the students in class, make sure that they’re not only keeping their grades up, but that they’re mentally doing okay as well,” said Ruiz.
With a busy schedule on top of the additional work of classes, Ruiz faces pressure and stress. Renaissance advisor Erin Reid has helped her with coping and learning how to handle such a big role.
“…I think I’ve helped her overcome barriers, obstacles, challenges in leadership when dealing with students, when dealing with staff, or when an event or even a recognition piece doesn’t go the exact way we want it, like we just look at it as a speed bump. So nothing is ever a roadblock. It’s just a speed bump. We’re gonna get through it together, and that she’s never ever in anything alone,” said Reid.
With these words, Ruiz doesn’t let the anxiety and speed bumps block her view of what’s important. She strives to recognize the positive values that Renaissance has brought her.
“President can be stressful at times as you have a whole class looking up to you to lead, but it does also come with many pros as you get to build a relationship in your classroom and learn work management,” said Ruiz.

Alongside the social and academic benefits such as building friendships and learning innitaive her student leadership role brings her, Ruiz also noticed that it helps in her work environment as they have similar high demand, fast workpace environments.
“Holding position as president has helped me lead at work as many times we come across aggressive customers or short deadlines, but by combining the best skill I’m able to help our team meet our tasks and expectations for the day,” said Ruiz.
Ruiz’s achievements do not go unseen in Renaissance as her members also recognize her work and effort. Senior Denisse Hernandez shared some of Ruiz’s most admirable qualities she demonstrates as president.
“She’s very helping. She’s always trying to find solutions to everything. She like takes action when she sees something like that’s not right, she’ll say something because she doesn’t want to make other people uncomfortable. In the class, she wants everyone to feel loved and accepted,” said Hernandez.
With the school year coming to an end and seniors leaving for college, Reid left some words of advice for Ruiz as she will start her college career at California State University, Long Beach.
“Just kill it. Don’t take yourself too seriously all the time. Remember to have fun, learn. Remember all of our leadership lessons when it comes to time management, when it comes to communication, because those are the things that you are going to need,” said Reid.