Podcasts for Beginning Listeners That Won’t Bore You

Cartoon credits to TechCrunch

Cartoon credits to TechCrunch


There are many different podcasts, whether it’s about world problems or scary stories; many people love listening to podcasts. Over the last few days, I took time to listen to a few podcasts on Spotify. Here’s some favorites, and a not-so-favorite of mine.

Photo credits to Podimos

To start, I chose a good podcast to be a Scary Story because everybody loves a good scare. It consists of short, scary stories as the name holds it to.  I genuinely enjoyed this podcast, as to me it was frightening and  gave me the chills that went alongside the music they had in the background. I recommend this podcast, especially since Halloween season is around the corner.


The second podcast was called Celebrity Podcast hosted by Adam Urban, featuring satirical interviews with celebrities. This podcast was not well organized, boring and short. I say this with due respect because in attempts, they were trying to be funny and sarcastic without success.  I would not recommend this podcast whatsoever.

To turn it around, the following podcast was interesting and caught my eye. This one was called The Daily produced by the New York Times. An exemplary episode that demonstrated the gist of the podcast was called “ A Self-Perpetuating Cycle of Wildfires”. As everybody’s well-aware, the West Coast has many wildfires happening. This podcast broke down the situation on how citizens, cops, and firefighters’ emotions about the real events occurring around them. They discussed a lot of homes being damaged and burnt to the ground, also to emphasize how the citizens felt. In addition, the podcast touched on the topic of climate change, which the narrator notes that it isn’t helping the fires right now. I recommend this podcast, as it gives tons of useful information and it was interesting to get different views on citizens on how they felt during this wildfire season.  

Photo credits to WBUR Insider

Never in my life have I listened to podcasts. However, if somebody was deciding to start like I did, I recommend choosing podcasts on Spotify, because they have different varieties of genres to listen from. Case in point, Scary Story and The Daily would be my favorites and main recommendations to new listeners. 

Happy listening! 

Podcasts Named

  1. Scary Story 
  2. Celebrity Podcast
  3. The Daily