Club Spotlight: Geo Club
October 14, 2019
There are a variety of clubs here at West Covina High School to catch students’ interest. The Global Exchange
Organization (G.E.O) club is a good example of a club that is offered to students this year “to take them to events, cultural attractions, dining adventures, and hikes,” said Geo club President, Nathan Ponce. The club is meant to help students bond with each other through fun stress relieving activities. “The atmosphere is very loud and talkative” and you get “this sense of family,” said Ponce. The club like many others needs and wants new members from the lower classmen to create more of an open environment and have everyone feel included. This year they have gotten a few more underclassmen to join to make the club better and have a more relaxed atmosphere. There are no requirements “anyone can join at any time no matter what,” said Ponce. The club’s purpose is to give students time to break away from school while bonding with students who are coping too. Geo club helps teach the value of including everyone and the importance of creating a safe environment. One trip that President Nathan got to experience is going to John meadows hiking and getting to “dunk heads in the cold river water… or just climbing up rocks and trees”. Memories of hiking, eating, and learning is pleasant and comforting for students to reflect on. Geo club is an extracurricular that is welcoming to new students or members and everyone wants to be apart of each other’s memories during events. You can contact the club administrators on their Instagram @ wchsgeo_ for any questions!