By Senior Master Sergeant Keith Baxter, Guest Writer
Retired Air Force Colonel Peter Gray visited the Junior ROTC program to conduct a top to bottom inspection on March 13. The WCHS unit earned an “exceeds standards” rating despite one minor discrepancy.
According to Colonel Gray, he witnessed an exponential growth in the quality of the program since his last visit in 2013. It was a “happy day” for him because his expectations were surpassed. Four years ago, under former leadership, the unit fared poorly during the last inspection and was on the verge of being shut down.
“The cadets worked very hard and it was very evident to the inspector,” retired Captain Jesus Acuña-Perez, the program’s senior aerospace science instructor, said. “The rating was a result of teamwork at its finest. We’ve come a long way and wanted to showcase our improvements.”
The unit was graded on three major categories: effectiveness of cadet leadership, accountability of Air Force equipment, and instructor management. Cadets were happy to demonstrate their leadership by showcasing their programs and initiatives.
“It feels great to get such a high rating,” Cadet Technical Sergeant John Granados said. “Thanks to our high rating, we won’t have another inspection for three more years. The pressure is off and now we can focus on doing bigger and better things.”
The squadron will not be inspected again until 2020. Thanks to the unit’s high rating, they are also in the running to receive the “Distinguished Unit Award with Merit”, an achievement reserved for only the highest-performing JROTC squadrons worldwide.
Next time you see a JROTC cadet walking around campus with exceptional pride, and a larger-than-average smile, please congratulate them on a job well done.