Prom is the last dance for many seniors that are graduating high school, it could be the last time you enjoy yourself with friends. This being said, to a handful of guys prom isn’t really a big deal as girls think it is.
I personally think prom is a big deal because it’s the last dance of your entire high school career. If you’re a senior, then it’s going to be your last dance as a kid. If you’re a junior, it may not be since you still have one more year of high school, but not many more are left for you.
For us seniors, it’s the last dance and will be close to the last time you’ll probably enjoy yourself with friends from high school. We all part ways in just a few weeks–so, yeah it’s a big deal.
Now comes one of the guys biggest fears, asking a girl to prom. Whether its a girlfriend or just a friend, guys can be really nervous and worried to ask. In actuality, it’s not as bad as it seems. When you ask her, you can make her a poster or buy her some flowers, or something of her likings. A handful of guys do different “prom-posals” that are really creative and fun, but it’s up to you on how you plan on asking the person out.
I personally think being creative and making it your own is something that makes the “prom-posal” more special. Many girls would enjoy having a date rather than being by herself or with her friends. Gentlemen, if she says no, it’s not the end of the world, you will maybe feel hurt for a while but there is always reasons behind her answer. It would be totally fine for you to ask another girl or even just go with a group of friends to the dance, it’s all up to you, as long as you’re going to enjoy yourself and be happy.
Now, if you do get past the prom asking and have a date, I believe you must buy her ticket. The reason is because you asked her and you’re taking her, plus it’s the gentleman way of doing it. Buying her ticket also relieves her of the stress of buying it, and shows that you’re excited and more than happy to take her as your date. Personally, I would not wait to buy the ticket because the more you wait the higher the prices escalate. I would also save up months before so that you can have the money the first week that tickets go on sale, so its also less stress on the guys. But buying both tickets just makes things go smoother and more relaxing for the both of you.
Getting ready for prom is another big stress for guys because they have to match the color of their dates dress. It’s a tradition of many ages for people to match with their dates because it signifies that the both of you are going together. When your date comes up with the color of her choice, you should ask for a color swatch so that you can get the same exact color for your tux. Once done, you should go ahead and start looking at tuxedos that would go best fit with the color, but also get one that you’ll feel comfortable wearing as well. You would like to get a tux that is comfortable and is perfectly your size so that you are satisfied while getting your groove on on the dance floor.
Finally, when your tux is all figured out the next thing to not worry about is the choice of vehicle. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you get there as a pair (if you have a date). If you’re planning on going in a party bus, limo, or even driving yourself it’s always best that you go with your date so that you don’t go through the stress of trying to find them later on. Once there, it’s normal for guys to have the jitters or even the butterflies because it can be that you are nervous or even excited for the night.
I would say to remain calm and don’t be nervous because bad things happen when the nervousness kicks in. You should be fine because the girl that you asked said yes and she will be there with you, so you should not feel scared. Or, if you’re with your buddies, you know you’ll have a good time. Make sure that you don’t feed off of negative vibes because not only will it affect you, but it will affect those you’re with as well.
Now once you have arrived at the destination, go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Get to know your surroundings and pick the table of your choice. If it’s said by your date that she wants to dance, don’t be that guy that says no because they can’t dance, get up and make your senior prom one to remember.
Prom is going to be your last high school dance so make it memorable, make it fun, and have a good time because that’s the last dance you’ll have. It is supposed to be a special night for you, so make sure you and your date or your friends have a special time as well.