Senior Amy Truong is getting ready for the remainder of her jam-packed band competition season.
Although it’s her first year as a Drum Major she has prepared by organizing the many new members of band, totaling up to almost forty participants.
“They are progressing very quickly! We’re going to be champions!” Truong proudly stated.
Truong has had the last two years to prepare for the role by working with the last drum major, Donald Nguyen. Amy has earned the position because of her dedication to band since freshmen year.
“It can sometimes be overwhelming,” Amy said.
The window for band season is so small and she plans on making the most of it. With their next performance coming up, Homecoming, October 12, she and band are working diligently to make sure they are ready to do their best.
Truong has always loved musical instruments and has had previous experience with the violin and piano before becoming Drum Major.
The job of Drum Major is usually male-dominated, but Truong has been a music enthusiast all her life and has now become one of few females to every be WCHS’s Drum Major.
“I joined band because I’ve been playing since the fifth grade,” said Truong.
Truong plans on attending college to pursue music as a possible career. She is currently looking at UC Irvine or Cal State Fullerton.
Truong’s influence over the band has brought them all very close.
“I really enjoy having Amy as our Drum Major this year. We have such a big band at this school, she has the leadership skills needed to drive us. She pulls us together, like a family,” said Assistant Drum Major Regina Aquin.