“Godzilla X Kong” was released Mar. 29 and features a clash of the titans, except this time Godzilla and Kong join forces. Godzilla is destructive and short-tempered while Kong, the true king of “hollow earth” is known for wanting peace and solitude in his kingdom. “Godzilla X Kong” contains an interesting plot and provides more history behind the characters.
Godzilla and Kong are both big names in cinema and have been around for a long time, increasing its impact. The first Godzilla movie was released April 27, 1956. The first Kong movie was released June 3, 1963.
Compared to the last movie “Godzilla vs. Kong” the appearance of Godzilla and Kong was climactic as in the last crossover; Mechagodzilla’s appearance was boring and forced. In “Godzilla x Kong” the introduction of Frostbite Godzilla, was out of nowhere as in the previous films as there was no prior mention of there being multiple species of “illa”.
The movie explored more in the hollow earth that was only briefly mentioned in “Godzilla vs. Kong” and found new facts about Kong along with his heritage. Production company Warner Bros. Studios heavily emphasized character development with a noticeable change in characterization such as dialog and updating characters as time passed. It’s like every single part that went wrong in the last version of “Godzilla vs Kong” was improved and fixed.
A great part about this movie is the fight scenes, they were action packed and looked real, not like it was just CGI and producers made sure to keep visuals realistic in the unrealistic universe of titans.
“Godzilla X Kong” is a must watch movie and is still in theaters.