From repeatedly serving cheeseburgers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and burritos, the cafeteria has made improvements and has started serving more appetizing food choices that have left many students on campus satisfied.
“There’s something new every day now, which is good,” said senior Alejandra Vilche.
Vilche explained how lunch isn’t the same thing anymore like it had been in the past two years. For example, the school either serves nachos or pasta on Tuesdays, and a choice of pizza or Subway sandwiches on Fridays.
In addition to new items at lunch, nutrition also has many new meals to choose from. There are now smoothies on Thursdays, breakfast sandwiches, chorizo burritos, french toast, pancakes, and more. These newly added foods have introduced a delicious look to the school food menu.
¨The food improved with having more of a variety and quality,¨ said junior Matthew Ugarte.
Sophomore Ryan Nguyen explained how with all these new options to choose from, the most enjoyable meal would be the plate of spicy salsa covered pork. This dish also contains a side of rice with vegetables inside and corn.
¨This dish was delicious and satisfied my taste buds,¨ said Nguyen.
(April Vasquez)
Vilche added the reason she believes why the menu has expanded, offering new foods, is possibly due to lots of food being seen in the trash bins, the repetitiveness of the same meals for lunch, and ultimately not having different food options.
“I love how there’s a variety now because when you have options it’s better, I hope it stays like this,” said Ugarte.
MAtthew • Feb 20, 2024 at 11:47 am
eating a burger wit no honey mustard?!?