Teachers have personal styles of teaching, running their classes and an expectation for students to be respectful. Teaching styles influence students by how they work and how they feel in their classes.
Teaching can have its conflict because every teacher teaches differently and every student learns differently; going to six different classes with six different teachers can be a struggle. Teachers’ styles are important during class because they affect the students’ dedication toward the subject.
Sophomore Lauren Ramirez can tell a teacher’s style by their tone and their vocabulary. Ramirez believes it is important for a teacher to be engaging and welcoming during class so that she feels comfortable participating in class. She also believes that organized teachers make it easier for the class to run smoothly.
Ramirez feels most comfortable when teachers don’t have favorites and treat everyone equally. She is understanding when teachers don’t let students talk during class, but she still believes students should be able to communicate with classmates to discuss lectures, classwork or homework.
A teacher that Ramirez personally enjoys for their teaching style is math teacher Corey Tello.
“He always motivated me to do good and helped me understand and learn math in a fun way,” said Ramirez.
Spanish and AP teacher Yadhira Frometa believes in a good teaching style as a teacher to influence her students positively. In the past 15 years of teaching, her favorite part is sharing her passion such as the Spanish language with her students and helping them learn and develop during high school before they go out into the real world.
Frometa likes to use different strategies while teaching such as giving direct instructions or getting up and moving around class. She allows students to work in groups to study and learn so that students who learn differently and have different backgrounds can help and understand each other. She believes that it is important to treat students and other staff members fairly so they all get a fair chance to get a good education.
Frometa agrees that it’s important for students to get a break on block days because some students get off track or lose attention after the first hour especially since adults are allowed to take breaks during their training and professional development.
“I think it’s important to give them a little break to move around, walk around, get their blood flowing, and maybe respond to messages on their phones giving them breaks will help them refocus during the second hour,” said Frometa.
During school, Frometa puts her professional beliefs before personal beliefs and looks at the interest of students and what benefits them before what benefits her in a professional setting. Something helpful as a teacher for herself and her students is that she is very organized and patient with students.
“I’m also understanding and I do believe in some grace because even though students are here to learn, they sometimes experience circumstances out of their control just like we do as adults and we have to take those things into consideration,” said Frometa.
Although some teachers inspire students with their work, others create a difficult environment. Some teachers are very strict and have many set rules that create an unmotivated workplace. Junior Samantha Sandoval feels less trust in strict teachers. She feels more positive and confident in supporting voices not controlling voices.
“Controlling tones affect not only mine but other student’s self-esteem,” said Sandoval.
As an athlete, organized teachers help Sandoval manage projects, meet deadlines, and solve problems. She expressed that teachers who let students work in a group setting help the most because it helps her become more social and become closer with her classmates.
Andrea Williams’ teaching style left a positive influence on Sandoval’s life. She felt a connection with Williams being open about her personal life, which made Sandoval feel comfortable and be okay with her own.
“She was always there for students and was like another sister by my side,” said Sandoval.
Students notice a teacher’s style and take it into their everyday life on campus. Positive or negative influences from teachers affect student behaviors and enjoyment in classes.