Opinion: How early is too early to start celebrating Christmas?
November 17, 2022
Imagine walking around Costco trying to find the perfect Halloween costume, but instead seeing Christmas decorations going on sale… in October?
Many people are eager to get into the Christmas spirit with some already listening to the holly jolly music in October. Christmas is definitely a fan favorite holiday, but does Thanksgiving go unnoticed?
Thanksgiving is more of an intimate holiday to celebrate with your loved ones and be thankful for what you have.
“I really enjoy Thanksgiving, it allows me to spend time with family I haven’t seen in a while,” said Jacob Vasquez.
After Halloween is over, many take down their Halloween decorations and start putting up Christmas decoration. Many stores such as Home Depot and Walmart already have Christmas decorations up for sale.

Photo credit: Estrella Ponce De Leon
“People do things their way, so if they want to start celebrating Christmas right after Halloween then they can,” said Vasquez.
While some feel that starting to celebrate Christmas early is fine, others think differently.
“I think we should finish celebrating Thanksgiving and spread gratitude, before we start to celebrate Christmas,” said Jason Sato.
November is the start of the holidays, but many forget about Thanksgiving when it is an important holiday as well.
My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas, being all cozied up with my dog, drinking hot chocolate while watching a movie, and my favorite part of all is doing my family secret santa, but I do think some should wait until Thanksgiving is over.