A Memorable Graduation for Class of 2022
June 10, 2022
Class of 2022 held their graduation ceremony last night on Thyberg Field with family, friends, WCUSD School Board and district personnel also in attendance. Every graduation is something special, but with this class being the first back since COVID-19 hit, this moment was historic.
Every hardship that students face and all achievements lead them to what they have been waiting for, graduation. It not only brings emotions of excitement, happiness, and anticipation, but it also brings an emotional feeling of loss while leaving memories behind and taking a large step forward in life. It allows every graduating student to dismiss the stress being brought throughout these last four years. Most importantly it is a huge event where they are recognized for all of their hard work.
Class of 2022 is the 64th graduating class from West Covina High School. At the start of the ceremony, Interim Principal Melissa Garcia recognized this year’s graduates.
“You are all my heroes. These past four years have been filled with many obstacles, adversities and challenges yet despite them all you have shown resilience, vitality, tenacity, courage and strength,” said Garcia.

In a speech by Valedictorian Luke Chang, he connected with students through experiencing what they all did within their high school experience. Coming back from online learning was not easy, but what all of these graduates did was prove that strength is given to all.
“Be proud that you made it to this point,” said Chang, mentioning one of the difficulties many endured in one way or another while in high school, COVID-19.
Though this may not have been “the dream” high school experience for all, it is not how every second is spent, it is about what you get out of it. As Superintendent Emy Flores said, “continue to dream big, stay focused on your goals, continue to work hard, believe in yourself and each time you fall, get up stronger, wiser and better.”
Once again, a big congratulations to the Class of 2022 for their major accomplishment.