Student athletes take pre-workout

Students scooping pre-workout before going to weightroom Photo by Gage Ballum
March 4, 2022
Many student athletes use pre-workouts to boost energy and get a better workout. As a powder, it is mixed in water or “dry-scooped”, which is when the powder is taken as is. Usually one scoop is mixed with water and taken 30 minutes before exercise. According to one brand Redcon1, it “provides you with the unstoppable power to help you dominate even your most challenging workouts.”
Packed with caffeine, green tea, and Juniper, pre workouts make the person feel energized and feel like a lot could be done in a good amount of time. Many teens who are taking this take it daily depending on how much they work out.
Health websites don’t recommend that people take it daily, especially if you’re a teen. It could become an addiction because you start to feel that you need it every time you work out. Some see pre workouts as a problem.
Sophomore Garrett Mori, who’s on the baseball team, does not take pre workouts because it doesn’t work on everyone.
“I can just have a protein shake and feel more energized,” Mori said.
Daniel Martinez, a sophomore on the football team, often takes pre workouts.
“It makes me feel energized and pumped to work out,” Martinez said. “I don’t feel the crazy side effects that are listed on the bottle.”
According to, some of the side effects include feeling jittery, tingly feelings in your hands and feet, headaches, and an upset stomach.
Not all coaches encourage pre-workout for teen athletes.
“I don’t think people should take it at such an early age,” said strength and conditioning coach Mike Sanchez. “ are young and don’t need it.”
Parents of teens who take pre-workout have mixed feelings about their kids taking it. The difference is between parents who know about it because they work out and know more about it versus parents who don’t know as much about it.
My parent Renne Castro is aware that I’ve taken pre-workout.
“I don’t have a problem with it as long as it is safe to take,” she said.
For decades, people have been taking pre-workout to improve their work out experience. Some people like it and some people don’t care too much about it either because of the way it tastes or the way it makes them feel. Some people like the effects and some don’t.
After a while people could start building a tolerance and it won’t have the same effect on their work out. Whatever the case may be, do your research before taking any dietary supplement.