WCUSD Vaccine Mandate?

Image by Prostock-studio/Shutterstock
In a bold move, the Los Angeles Board of Education recently voted to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all students 12 and older. By January 2022, eligible students must be vaccinated to enter any Los Angeles Unified campus and those who choose to remain unvaccinated will join independent study.
According to an article published in the Los Angeles Times, not all students have the same time frame to get their shot. Students who participate in in-person activities such as choir, sports, band, or drama have until Oct. 3 to secure their first dose and until Oct. 31 to get the second. Students not involved in extracurriculars must be fully vaccinated by Dec. 19. All students must have proof of vaccination logged with their schools by Jan.10.
It’s no secret that smaller districts such as West Covina Unified have followed LAUSD on school safety issues surrounding COVID-19. As the first district to shut down when cases of the virus first hit California back in March 2020, LAUSD immediately had other districts following suit. Now that vaccines will be mandated, will WCUSD do the same?
On this matter, WCHS sophmore football player Donovan Romero said, “I think it’s a good thing because we can avoid more people getting sick.”
Fellow sophomore Aidan Renteria said, “Personally, a part of me won’t feel much of a difference. Schools have made it mandatory for us to take vaccines before.” Both Renteria and Romero feel that the vaccine will help keep their family and friends safe.
In a recent Newsbytes’ Instagram poll that asked whether followers agreed with this new mandate, 75 percent agreed. “It’s about time!” @patisela321 said.
Not all who polled shared the same sentiment. “We live in America for a reason,” @gx.ry said. “To have a freedom of choice. This doesn’t reflect that…”
It isn’t clear yet if WCUSD will follow suit with a larger predecessor. Although, even without the mandates, many students are staying safe and protecting one another by getting the vaccine and remaining vigilant about wearing masks.
Hi, my name is Atiyana Sowell, and I am the editor in chief of WCHS Insight, West Covina High School's news publication. In my two years in journalism,...
roxane mora • Sep 18, 2021 at 1:30 pm
i believe we shouldn’t have to make it mandatory to get the shot. our body, our choice. we don’t know how it’ll effect us in the further and i will refuse getting it. but also i don’t want to go back doing online school so i think that’s not fair. taking our education away just because of a shot that we refuse to get