2019-2020 Editorial Staff Welcome

The Newsbytes Online class in action!

To handle an entire segment of Newsbytes Online takes patience, integrity, and most importantly, dedication. Balancing extracurriculars, classes, as well as this tests many skills, including time management. The following people are an expectantly successful group, whom of which intend to strengthen the value of the source of the news students receive accurately.

For your arts and entertainment news, Freshman Melody Gonzalez has chosen to take on the task of delving into soundcheck, movies, and endless possibilities of entertainment sources. Her personality fits the quota perfectly, as she is always open to new ideas and her outgoing spirit will compliment her good reading attributes. Involved in her middle school yearbook, as well as being a leader in her church, she is a promising addition to the staff. 

Correspondingly, the features and specials news will be delivered with spirit by Senior, Alina Olea. Being on All-Star Cheer, her bubbly character is great for interacting with others collaboratively. Her energy is unmatched, and an interview with Olea will grant nothing less of a good and deeper look into the unique individuals at West Covina High. At her side will be Features Co-Editor, Junior Victoria Mejicanos. With her strong attributes of determination and discipline, she will be of great assistance to Olea in featuring students. 

The daunting responsibility of handling sports news and scores might frighten some, but not Freshman, Ximena Galindo. With outstanding writing and leadership qualities, she makes a commitment towards all sports programs at West Covina, including her own. Regardless of not having journalistic experience, she is open to learning the skills necessary to put out accurate scores and stories. 

To be a voice for the opinions of all students will be Senior, Christian Timple. With the balance of other involvement such as Geo Club, Class Council, and Key Club, he acquires leadership skills which will be essential to the staff. Moreover, this will further the development of assigning stories and controversial topics that will unite all classes as one voice in a respective manner. He is a promising writer, and will contribute greatly to debates of interesting topics. 

The ability to capture memories and experiences in photos is a valuable asset; one of which Senior, Brayan Castaneda is strong in. His portfolio focused around nature and people is vivid, and proves his wonderful talent at photographing a moment. He will be overlooking any photography done with Newsbytes, and his photos will receive the credit he deserves. Shadowing under Castaneda is Freshman, Elannie Hernandez. Growing up as the family photographer, she tells the heartwarming story as she would “nag father to borrow his camera” but reasonably she “was willing to do anything for photography”. With her passion and dedication towards photography, she’s on the stepping stones of the top spot in the coming years.

Lastly, the one to tie the stories together will be News and Copy editor, Senior Aaron Mendoza. Fitting the position perfectly, Mendoza has taken AP and honors classes throughout his entire high school career. Adding onto his experience, he mentions taking part in newspaper journalism for 2 years throughout middle school as well! Mendoza will be the informational guru for everything concerning West Covina, delivering reliable news and insights. Another responsibility will be handling the grammatical segment of all articles posted. Copy editing involves editing all stories posted to ensure accurate sentence structure and grammar, a skill Mendoza knows he thrives in. 

In sum, the 2019-2020 Newsbytes Online Editorial Staff has pronounced potential to flourish in collaboration with one another. Stay on the lookout for upcoming stories coming from the aforementioned editors, and turn to any of them for upcoming news and exciting stories! Congratulations to those on staff, and best wishes to the endeavors you plan to carry throughout the school year.