There is a new security guard on campus if you haven’t noticed her already, but she’s not just any kind of security guard.
Evelyn Vazquez studied at Rio Hondo and earned an A.A. in administration of justice. She then went on to study at Golden West College in the criminal justice department and received an A.A. in criminal justice corrections, and a B.A. in communications.
“I’ve always wanted to work in law enforcement. Not necessarily as a police officer but in a position that would create positive change in the community,” said Vazquez.
Vazquez grew up in Norwalk, and attended St. Joseph High School in Lakewood. Her future goals are to attend graduate school and receive a masters in education, or counseling as an option. She would like to become a counselor or dean.
“Bulldog country has amazing school spirit, all faculty and staff are welcoming and extremely friendly,” said Vazquez.
Vazquez has come forth and explained the controversy about students getting pulled out of class due to dress code.
“Since this is a new school year, I’m trying to enforce dress code so that everyone within the Bulldog community feels comfortable and also to help maintain a positive image for our school.” said Vazquez
Some students feel different about this type of action though.
“I don’t believe clothes are distracting but pulling people out of class because of them is,” junior Carlos Munguia tweeted.
Vazquez wants to create a better environment for everyone within the Bulldog community.
“I envision a safe environment for WCHS where students will be able to learn and succeed in their future endeavors,” Vazquez said, “I also hope to make a positive impact on the students and guide them in the right direction.”