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WCHS Insight

The Student News Site of West Covina High School

WCHS Insight

The Student News Site of West Covina High School

WCHS Insight

A walkway with glowing lights set up near the Student Services Office. It was directed towards the showcase as people entered the school’s campus and served as a photo opportunity for attendees.
Rain or shine, West Co hosted 1609
Arianna Alvarado, Staff Writer • March 17, 2025
Group photos of the club’s annual Karaoke Night, which began in 2008.  Pictures of members and UNICEF’s past decorations and posters are hung up in advisor and math teacher Elizabeth Chu’s classroom.
UNICEF to host a Minion-themed karaoke night to “Sing to the Moon”
Angelina Shepherd, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025
Keyi Chen’s school identification photo taken his freshmen year.
Remembering Keyi Chen
February 27, 2025
Ings' friends gather next to the “Empowering Kids with Autism” sign at the walk-a-thon to show support. “During the event a lot of my friends came and helped out as well,” Ing said.
Alyssa Ing raises awareness through her nonprofit organization Empowering Kids With Autism
Sofia Trujillo, Staff Writer • March 20, 2025
 Suzanna Gutierrez sorts fruits and vegetables that are given out every day throughout lunch. Her goal is to emphasize providing fresh fruits and vegetables on campus every day. “And we’re emphasizing fresh meals, better meals,” said Gutierrez.
Beyond the cafeteria
February 14, 2025
Senior Kristina Fuentes plans her Instagram post by looking through her recent photos and choosing ones that fit her aesthetic and love of nature, music, and places, and same mood throughout. “I would describe my Instagram as perfectly curated to me, so like the things that I post and like the things I want others to see of me just on the surface level,” Fuentes said.
Students who’ve crafted an aesthetic Instagram feed
Grace Torres, Staff Writer • March 14, 2025
Integrated three and MRW math teacher Karen Walton’s classroom still displays the old schedule, a reminder of the previous routine that some students and herself wish would return. “I prefer the old schedule just because I'd rather start early and end early too,” Saucedo said.
Bring back the old schedule
April Vasquez, Digital Editor • March 21, 2025
An aisle full of Valentine’s Day balloons and gifts at Walmart, showcasing the consumer driven shift of the holiday where the focus has shifted from love to material gifts. “I don't think there's a standard, I feel like at least flowers or chocolates and getting something to eat and just being together is good enough,” said Lopez.
Love for sale
February 21, 2025
Insight Instagram
Dog pound Insider
Julie Cimarusti wins at her final match at the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Masters. by a pin,when a wrestler holds the opponent’s shoulders to the mat for a set period of time which ultimately ends the match. “I try to just be in my own world when I wrestle. I don’t try to think about who’s expecting what from me,” Cimarusti said.
Sophomore Julianne Cimarusti wrestled her way to success
Isabel Benitez, Sports Team Manager • March 19, 2025
Junior Anthony Cristofaro holds a tub of santacruz electrolytes on Monday. “I got a whole lot better mentally and physically,” Cristofaro said.
Fitness influencers positively change teen lifestyles
Maddux Marquez, Staff Writer • February 28, 2025
Boys and girls basketball seniors on picture day. Senior Adrian Vasquez, a four year basketball athlete, advised that diligence in sport pays off and helped lead his team to success during the postseason. “Don't worry, eventually all the hard work will pay off and there is always something to look forward to at the end of the road,” said Vasquez.
Winter sports take on CIF
Carlee Macias February 21, 2025
El estudiante de ultimo año Jacob Nguyen ha sido jugador de béisbol en el equipo universitario desde su primer año. A lo largo de los numerosos juegos, prácticas y recuerdos que ha creado como miembro del equipo de béisbol, también ha aprendido mucho sobre responsabilidad que ha ayudado en su vida como estudiante. "Así que honestamente me ha enseñado a mantenerme al tanto de mi educación, mis deportes y a mantener un equilibrio entre las cosas", dijo Nguyen.
Planes posteriores a la escuela secundaria de los atletas de último año
Giovanna Garcia, Staff Writer • May 1, 2024
Una venta por cierre de toda la tienda 99 Cents hizo que los lugareños corrieran a la tienda y compraran todo lo que pudieran.
El cierre de las tiendas 99 Cents Only obliga a la gente a comprar en otros lugares
Enrique Santos, Staff Writer • April 30, 2024
Alex García, estudiante de último año, comienza una tarea para la clase de español. La tarea debe entregarse en clase tan pronto como ella entre. “Últimamente he tenido dificultades para mantenerme al día con el trabajo, pero creo que he mejorado mucho desde el comienzo del semestre,” dijo García.
Como afecta la senioritis a los estudiantes y cómo pueden ayudar los profesores
Justin Cabrera, Staff Writer • February 29, 2024